The SunAngle Professional Suite is a more sophisticated, robust, well-documented version of SunAngle for people interested in better understanding the calculation methodology or developing their own solar angle calculation tools. The Professional Suite includes the following (click the image thumbnails for larger screen shots of each item):

SunAngle Technical Manual
A thorough documentation of the SunAngle methodology, including all equations used by SunAngle for JavaScript and SunAngle for Microsoft Excel. The Technical Manual is a valuable reference for anyone implementing or extending the SunAngle program for custom applications.

SunAngle for JavaScript
Similar to the shareware version of SunAngle, but more robust with new features, better documentation, and the capability to run in any web browser even while not connected to the internet. The new features include improved precision, output of the day length, angle of incidence calculations, and the ability to choose north or south as the basis for zero azimuth.

SunAngle for Microsoft Excel
This is an implementation of the SunAngle methodology in Excel, which gives easy access to all formulas. It is simple to modify this spreadsheet version of SunAngle to perform other tasks, and this version is also useful as a baseline for confirming the output of solar angle programs.

Other Solar Angle Software
The distribution of the SunAngle Professional Suite also includes standalone versions of some of the other shareware programs available from SusDesign; the standalone versions (which don't require an internet connection) are available exclusively to purchasers of SunAngle Professional.

The SunAngle Professional Suite costs $40 for electronic delivery via e-mail. Updates will occasionally be available, and are free of charge. There may be a small charge for major upgrades in the future, such as the addition of major new calculation tools to the Professional Suite.

To use the components of the Professional Suite, you only need a PDF reader (free from Adobe), a web browser, and Microsoft Excel. All components are compatible with any operating system.

To purchase the SunAngle Professional Suite, you may pay securely with a credit card by clicking the ELECTRONIC button below (which will take you to the PayPal web site), or send a check in U.S. dollars to the address listed in the "Contact" section above (there are no taxes or shipping fees).

Feel free to contact the author if you have any questions about the Professional Suite.