Recent Clients
Various Architects/Builders
Task: solar energy analysis for many residential and commercial construction
projects, including work designing passive solar homes, analyzing window performance, and designing window overhangs.
Various Photovoltaics Firms
Tasks: PV power plant energy calculations, shading calculations, and tracking system design.
Weldy / Lamont
Tasks: PV engineering and data analysis & visualization.
Tasks: web site design & development.
S.A.G.E. Designs NW
Tasks: web site design & development for this Seattle green architect.
Tasks: web site design & development.
JAS Design Build
Tasks: web site development for this Seattle architecture and buliding firm.
Cayman Islands Dive Lodge
Tasks: solar thermal & PV systems shading calculations & design.
Conservation International
Tasks: design and development of a personal CO2 emissions calculator.
Daniel Williams, Architect
Tasks: development and co-design of the web site for Daniel Wiliams, FAIA.
Sculptural Glass Doors
Tasks: e-commerce web site for this building product manufacturer.
Verge Architecture & Design
Tasks: dynamic web site featuring the firm's projects.
Northwest EcoBuilding Guild
Tasks: comprehensive redesign and implementation of a new web site and information system, including membership management and a payment processing system.
O'Brien & Company
Tasks: web site design; brochure design; exhibit panel design and construction; fact sheet design; ecological footprint calculations and visualization.
BuildingGreen, Inc.
Tasks: strategic internet consulting, graphic design,
and web site design and implementation. BuildingGreen, in Brattleboro,
Vermont, is the premier information resource on environmentally responsible
building, and publisher of Environmental Building News.
Sun Plans, Inc.
Tasks: web site design; PHP programming.
Seattle Art Museum Supporters
Tasks: MySQL database and PHP programming.
Energy Federation
Task: PHP programming to support energy efficiency e-commerce web site.
Task: PHP programming project to add interactive communication
tools to renewable energy education web site.
Resource Venture (Seattle
Chamber of Commerce)
Tasks: web site design; design and development of an interactive database
of recyclers of construction waste and building materials.
Tectonix, Inc.
Task: window overhang numerical analysis and graphical
International Institute for Energy Conservation
Tasks: web site design and programming for the Efficient
Lighting Initiative, an international energy efficiency project of
IIEC, the Global Environmental Facility, and the International Finance
Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology
Task: programming and interface design for SolarSizer,
a software tool for designing and analyzing small-scale photovoltaics
World Resources Institute, Project
Tasks: design of a web site that provides educational
resources and tools for citizens and institutions who want to take action
on climate change; technical calculations to support interactive carbon
World Resources Institute, NutrientNet Project
Tasks: web site design and implementation; programming
of interactive worksheets for calculating nutrient runoff into watersheds
from point and non-point sources.
Energy Ideas, Inc.
Tasks: multimedia interface design and solar energy
engineering calculations for BIPV Designer, a software tool to
assist with the design and analysis of building-integrated solar photovoltaic
AWS, Inc.
Task: javascript programming to assist with internet-based
solar and weather calculations used by schools.
Federal Sign
Task: solar angle calculations to calculate impact
of sunshine on outdoor media displays.
Arq, Ltd., Vision Magazine
Tasks: web design, programming, research, and writing
for this U.K. sustainability web site which targets decision makers and
corporate leaders. Vision Magazine contains original content on
sustainability issues, video interviews, an information archive, and electronic
discussion groups.
Please send e-mail
if you'd like more information about these projects or would like to contact
any of these clients as professional references.